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  • Laurianne FORGET, PhD student at PhD student at PhD student at LCC, directed by Azzedine Bousseksou. For a 3 months visit at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (USA), in Bruce Armitage,s team.
  • Livia GETZNER, PhD student at PhD student at LCC, directed by Azzedine Bousseksou. For a 1 month visit at the Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials, Tsukuba (Japan), in Hiroko Tokoro’s team.
  • Nargiz KASIMOVA, PhD student at LCC, directed by Azzedine Bousseksou. For a 2 months visit at Dr. Alpuche’s laboratory, Reno (USA), in Mario Alpuche’s team.
  • Jules EDWARDS, PhD student at LAAS directed by Mohamed KAANICHE. For a 4 months visit at Matsunaga Lab, Tokyo (Japan), in Yukiko Matsunaga’s team.
  • Maia COURTIEL, PhD student at LCPQ directed by Thireey Leininger. For a 2 visit months at Cinvestav, Mexico City, (Mexico) in Andreas M. Köster’s team.
  • Nishanthan MUTHUMUNIYANDI, PhD student at Vellore Institute, Tmin Ladu, India. For a 3 months visit at LCC, Toulouse (France), in Nancy De Viguerie’s and Chantal Galaup’s team
  • Ernesto GARCIA ALFONSO, PhD student at LCAR directed by Jean-Marc L’Hermite. For a 1 month visit at Instituto de Fisica Fundamental, CSIS, Madrid (Spain), in Octavio Roncero’s team


  • Roger MONREAL CORONA, PhD student at Department of Chemistry and Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC), University of Girona, Girona, SPAIN for a 1 month visit at LCC in R. Maria AXET’s team
  • Luan PASSINI, PhD student at IMRCP directed by Christophe COUDRET & Clément ROUX for a 2 months visit at Departamento de Fisica, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, PORTUGAL
  • Antonino PATRON CASTRO, PhD student at Department of Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Seville, Seville, SPAIN for a 3 months visit at LCAR in David GUÉRY-ODELIN’s team
  • Luigia Amelia LUQUE ALVAREZ, PhD student at Universidad de Seville, Séville, SPAIN for a 4 months visit at LCC in R. Maria AXET’s team
  • Nihal TABASI, PhD student at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Ege University, Ege, TURKEY for a 2 months visit at LCC in Agnès LABANDE’s team
  • Mathieu LALE, PhD student at CIRIMAT directed by Bernard VIGUIER for a 2,5 months visit at Institute of Physics of Materials CAS, Brno, Czech Republic
  • Léo GASPARD, PhD student at LCPQ directed by Cyril MARTINS for a 2 months visit at King’s College – Department of Physics, London, ENGLAND
  • Agathe DUCLOS, PhD student at CEMES / CIRIMAT directed by Magali BRUNET for a 2 months visit at Centro Atomico Bariloche, ARGENTINA
  • Loïc GROSSETETE, PhD student at CEMES directed by Martin HYTCH for a 2 months visit at Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore
  • Tom FOURNIER, PhD student at LPCNO / CEMES directed by Benjamin LASSAGNE & Pascal PUECH for a 2 months visit at Laboratorio de Nanociencia Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Santiago, REPUBLIQUE DOMINICAINE
  • Quentin GROMOFF, PhD student at CEMES directed by Julien LAM & Magali BENOIT for a 2 months visit at University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA


  • Yorgos KOUGKOLOS, PhD student at CIRIMAT directed by Emmanuel FLAHAUT & Zarel VALDEZ NAVA for a 1,5 months visit at Département de génie chimique – Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, CANADA
  • Sheng-Hsiang LIN, PhD student at MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL ENERGY CONVERSION, Mülheim an der Ruhr, GERMANY for a 2 months visit at LPCNO in Bruno CHAUDRET’s team
  • Thomas BASSANETTI, PhD student at LPT directed by Clément SIRE for a 1 months visit at Complex Systems Sumer School, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
  • Jonathan AGIL, PhD student at LNCMI directed by Rémi BATTESTI for a 2,5 months visit at Mayence University, Mayence, GERMANY
  • Nikodem SOKOLOWSKI, PhD student at LNCMI directed by Paulina PLOCHOCKA for a 1 months visit at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, WROCLAW, POLAND
  • Heting HOU, PhD student at Chemistry Department, UAB, Barcelona, SPAIN for a 2 months visit at LCC in Karine PHILIPPOT’s team
  • Nihal TABASI, PhD student at Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Ege University, TURKEY for a 2 months visit at LCC in Agnès LABANDE ‘s team
  • Arianna BALESTRI, PhD student at Department of Chemistry « Ugo Schiff » (DICUS), University of Florence, Florence, Italie for a 4 months visit at IMRCP in Barbara LONETTI’s team
  • Rohan PARMAR, PhD student at LPCNO directed by Guillaume VIAU for a 1 months visit at Hercules european School 2022, Grenoble, FRANCE
  • Katarzyna POSMYK, PhD student at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, WROCLAW, POLAND for a 5 months visit at LNCMI in Paulina PLOCHOCKA’s team
  • Marion MERLE, PhD student at CIRIMAT directed by Christèle COMBES for a 1,5 months visit at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, GERMANY
  • Miquel CARDONA FARRENY, PhD student at LCC directed by Rosa AXET & Karine PHILIPPOT for a 3 months visit at Leibniz Institut für Katalyse (LIKAT), Rostock, GERMANY


  • Petros MUBARI, PhD student at CEMES directed by Pascal PUECH for a 2 months visit at Department of Mining, Materials Engineering, Mc Gill, Montreal, CANADA
  • Nataliia MARCHENKO, PhD student at LPCNO directed by Simon TRICARD for a 3 months visit at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim an der Ruhr, GERMANY
  • Clémence CHINAUD-CHAIX, PhD student at LPCNO directed by Simon TRICARD for a 2 months visit at Leibniz Institut für Neue Materialen, Saarbrücken, GERMANY
  • Benjamin GALY, PhD student at CEMES directed by Jean-Philippe MONCHOUX for a 1 months visit at Montanuniversität, Loeben, AUSTRIA
  • Michael MUSI, PhD student at Montanuniversität, Loeben, AUSTRIA for a 1 months visit at CEMES in Jean-Philippe MONCHOUX’s team


  • Ezgi YIDIRIM, PhD student at LPCNO directed by Guillaume VIAU for a 1 months visit at HERCULES, Grenoble, France


  • Agustin BILEN, PhD student at Univ. La Plata, , ARGENTINA for a 1 months visit at LPT in Bertrand GEORGEOT’s team
  • Mirko LECCESE, PhD student at Milan University, Milan, ITALY for a 1 months visit at LCAR in Didier LEMOINE’s team
  • Miriam KARPINSKA, PhD student at Polish Physics Institue, , POLAND for a 2 months visit at LNCMI in Paulina PLOCHOKA’s team
  • Santiago ACEVEDO, PhD student at Univ. La Plata, , ARGENTINA for a 1 months visit at LPT in Pierre PUJOL’s team
  • Sourav DEY, PhD student at IIT Mumbai, Mumbai, INDIA for a 1 months visit at LCPQ in Hélène BOILEVIN’s team
  • Toufa OUISSI, PhD student at CEMES directed by Magali BRUNET for a 1 months visit at NASMSI, USA