Dynamical Mean Field Theory with Disorder : a Step Forward
Research project selected under the 2019 call for proposals
Principal Investigator : Gabriel LEMARIÉ
Involved Teams :
Type of project : Collaborative Project
Date (start/end) : 2019 – 2022

The subtle effect of disorder in quantum interacting systems is one of the major challenges of modern condensed matter physics. Despite more than 60 years of intense research, its understanding is still not satisfactory. However, most of the interesting properties of strongly correlated materials, like the high-Tc superconductivity, arise when they are doped. In this context we aim at building a new numerical approach to address several elusive features associated to the presence of intrinsic disorder. Building on complementary expertises from LPT and LCPQ, namely numerical simulations of quantum disordered systems on one side, and the Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT) on the other side, our project will focus on developing a new DMFT tool applicable to realistic materials. We have drawn a realistic step-by-step research program, and have recruited a postdoctoral fellow.