charge transport in Tunable HEteRomEtallic Self-Assemblies of nanoparticles and coordination complexes
Research project selected under the 2021 call for proposals
Principal Investigator : Simon TRICARD
Involved Teams :
Type of project : Collaborative Project
Date (start/end) : 2021 – 2024

Molecular polarizability is a key parameter to control charge transport in self-assemblies of ultra-small nanoparticles with molecular entities. The goal of the Theresa project is to synthesize hybrid materials structured at the nanoscale and to tune their properties in charge transport. A particular attention will be devoted to their response to light irradiation. To influence the molecular polarizability, two main strategies will be studied: 1) the use of coordination complexes containing a metallic atom or even two, eventually of different nature, 2) the use of luminescent complexes, which induces a response to light irradiation. A particular attention will be devoted to making links between the description of charge transport at the macroscopic scale (scale of the measurement) and at the nanometric one (scale of the elementary physical phenomenon).