- Konstantin MATVEEV from Argonne National Laboratory, IL, USA
invited by Zoran RISTIVOJEVIC at LPT:
Dynamic response of the electron system at the edge of quantum Hall state
October 2023 - Maria Anastasia JIVULESCU from Dep. of Mathematics, Politehnica University, Timisoara, Romania
invited by Ion NECHITA at LPT:
Detecting entanglement in multipartite quantum states
June-July 2023 - Milosz PANFIL from University of Warsaw, Poland Warsaw, Poland
invited by Zoran Ristivojevic at LPT:
Quantyfiying non-equilibrium states of quantum integrable models
June-July 2023 - Anna SWAN from Nanotechnology Innovation Center, Boston, USA
invited by Wolfgang BACSA at CEMES:
Consequences of finte size effect of optical focal spot for Nanotechnology
April – May 2023
- Luiz Henrique GALVAO TIZEI from Laboratoire de Physique des solides, Paris, FRANCE
invited by Sophie Meuret at CEMES:
Nano-optics of low dimensional materials using novel electron spectroscopies
15 Novembre 2022 – 15 January 2023 - MURTAZA BOHRA from Mahindra University, Telangana, India
invited by Jean-francois Bobo at CEMES:
Multi-stacked Zn-ferrite layers for spintronics
June 15th – August 16th 2022 - Hanan DERY from University of Rochester, United States
invited by Cédric Robert at LPCNO:
Propriétés des Complexes Excitoniques dans des matériaux 2D semiconducteurs
June 2022 - Sreejith J.G. from IISER Pune, INDIA
invited by Fabien Alet at LPT:
Dynamics and thermondynamics of constrained quantum systems
May-June 2022 - Jajiwan MITTAL from Amity institute of Nanotechnology Amity University Noida, UP, India
invited by Marc MONTHIOUX at CEMES:
Development of carbon nanotube/graphene/quantum dot composites for solar energy applications
May 2022 - Nicolas LARGE from University of Texas at San Antonio, United States
invited by Adnen Mlayah at CEMES:
Computational Modeling of the Thermo-Optical and Photothermal Properties of Hybrid Plasmonic-Excitonic Nanostructures
March-April 2022 - Llinersy URANGA PINA from Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Havana, CUBA
invited by Chris Meier at LPT:
Trajectory-based approach to quantum dynamics at the nanoscale
May-June 2021, February-April 2022
- Oleg MAKAROVSKY from School of Physics and Astronomy University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG72RD, UK
invited by Walter Escoffier at LNCMI:
Room Temperature Quantum Hall Effect and high magnetic field transport in graphene based heterostructures with 0D and 2D layers
November 15th – December 15th 2021 - Maykel MARQUEZ MIJARES from Instituto Superior de Tecnologías y Ciencias Aplicadas, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba
invited by Etienne BRION at LCAR:
Nanofibre-assisted photoassociation of cold rubidium atoms
October-November 2021 - Ignacio GARCIA-MATA from IFIMAR CONICET-Universidad de Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata, Argentina
invited by Bertrand GEORGEOT at LPT:
Dynamics in disordered random graphs and many-body localization
December 2021 - Alessandro SURRENTE from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
invited by Paulina Plochocka at LNCMI:
Exciton reduced mass and fine structure in metal halide perovskite nanoplatelets
September 19th – october 18th, 2021
- Lucas ROCHA from Universidade de Franca, Avenida Dr. Armanda Salles Oliveira. Brasil
invited by Marc VERELST at CEMES:
Time resolved Raman spectroscopy on LaNbO4: Ln3+ nanoparticles
December 2020 - Timothey MYERS from Center for Mathematic Research, Barcelona, Spain
invited by Wolfgang Bacsa at CEMES:
Lensless imaging of nanoparticles (LINP)
February-March 2020
- Bertrand REULET from Département de Physique – Université de Sherbrooke Canada
invited by Cyril PROUST at LNCMI:
MegaGauss probe for quantum oscillation measurements in cuprates
November-December 2019 - Hiroko YAMADA from Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan
invited by Claire Kammerer and André Gourdon at CEMES:
π-extended aromatic compounds as key subunits for mechanical nanomachines and organic materials
November 2019 - Daniel DUNDAS from Atomistic Simulation Centre, School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom
invited by Eric Suraud at LPT:
Modelling the optical control of current flow in molecular devices using time-dependent density functional theory
October – November 2019 - David ZITOUN from Bar Ilan Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA), Israel
invited by Bruno Chaudret at LPCNO:
Superparamagnetism Assisted ORR on core-shell Octahedral catalysts for Fuel cells
June 25th to August 8th 2019 - Peter SCHLAGHECK from Département de Physique de l’Université de Liège, Belgium
invited by David Guéry-Odelin at LCAR:
Investigating the physics of multiple band interferences
June 18th to July 19th 2019 - Cyril MURATOV from New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
invited by Anne Bernand-Mantel at LPCNO:
Modeling and analysis of competing interactions to understand and contol the morphologyof nano-objets and their assemblies
June – July 2019